Joseline Cceres Joseline Cceres The young artist is a promise of the plastic arts. From an early age, Joseline discovers her innate talent to express with lines and colors that your eyes and your imagination perceive. It is from these early years, where nature is in his best muse, that which inspires and challenges them to reflect on canvas the grandeur of its beauty. Engineer profession, his passion certainly remains the painting. His style prints a large note of life, light, color, which, because of its creativity and energy, conveying emotion and feelings overflowing. His works have the capacity to surprise, then abandon the rules, follow their mpetu, without leaving aside the touch of peace and tranquility that transmit light and proportions. With exquisite harmony suprarealista, Joseline masterfully succeeds in combining the nuances of capturing the essence of that magic that nature has. The colors are become its accomplices and allies to achieve best in each canvas on which rests his brush, the end result that evokes in the viewer or aoranza pleasant memory alive of being faced with these landscapes are able to steal more than a sigh.